Symptoms of Mesothelioma: An Overview

malignant mesotheliomas are rare tumors that form in the tissues lining the lungs (pleura), abdomen (peritoneum) or heart (pericardium). pleural mesothelioma, affects the lining of the lung is the most common, representing about 75 per cent of malignant mesothelioma. Between ten and twenty percent of all malignant mesotheliomas are peritoneal mesothelioma. Pericardial mesotheliomas are extremely rare. A history of asbestos exposure is found in mostPeople with mesothelioma. be the time of exposure to onset of cancer, up to 30 years, so most people are 50-70 years old with malignant mesothelioma.

Many symptoms of mesothelioma are not specific and are seen in a series of chest and abdominal conditions. This, combined with the absence of a clear history of asbestos exposure associated in some patients, a significant delay in diagnosis. Most people with mesothelioma onlybe symptoms during the two minutes, three months ago, before being diagnosed. About a quarter of all people with symptoms of malignant mesothelioma for about six months before diagnosis.

Once symptoms are present, can the situation of the primary tumor. In general, the symptoms are more pronounced with advanced illness. With symptoms of mesothelioma are often difficulties in breathing, coughing, chest pain or below the chest, coughing blood,Hoarseness, and the accumulation of pleural effusion, or fluid in the pleural cavity. The face and arms swell. Many of these symptoms are also seen with lung cancer.

With peritoneal mesothelioma, symptoms, a lump sum or bloating, abdominal pain, fluid in the abdomen, constipation due to intestinal obstruction, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. Patients with chest pain may pericardial mesothelioma, shortness of breathand palpitations. Some symptoms of malignant mesothelioma are many types of cancer. These include unexplained weight loss, fever and fatigue.

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How is mesothelioma diagnosed?

Diagnosis of Mesothelioma is usually confirmed with clinical findings and a careful assessment of tissue biopsy and radiological. Reviews patient's medical history, was also a history of exposure to asbestos, with a complete physical examination, chest X-ray or abdomen and lung function tests. CT or MRI may be performed at this time. If one of the first tests prove suspicious for mesothelioma, a biopsy is needed to confirm thisDiagnosis.

Imaging techniques and their value in the diagnosis and assessment of mesothelioma

There are various imaging techniques that can be useful when malignant pleural mesothelioma, combining history with exposure to asbestos or suspected secondary activity. While imaging techniques can be useful in assessing the risk of cancer, the final diagnosis is still most often established through the diagnosis of fluid or tissue sample.

Some of the most frequentimaging techniques used are:


Chest X-ray can reveal pleural effusion (fluid accumulation), the restriction is to the right lung (60%) or left (40%). On this occasion, the mass can be. The signs of the disease, non-cancerous asbestos, such as pleural plaques or pleural calcification, or scarring due to asbestosis may also be noted.

Computed tomography (CT)

CT can also define pleural effusion,and pleural calcification, thickening of interlobular crack pleural thickening, or possible chest wall invasion. CT, but can not distinguish between changes in relation to asbestos disease mesothelioma benign verse (pleural disease), or differentiate adenocarcinoma of the lung to the pleura, which can spread. CT can also guide precious fine-needle aspiration of the masses for the diagnosis of pleural tissue.

Magnetic Resonance(RM)

MRI scans are used most often to determine the size of the tumor prior to aggressive treatment. Because they provide multiple images in the plane, are better able to identify tumors in contrast to the normal structure. They are also more accurate than CT in assessing enlargement of mediastinal lymph nodes (lymph nodes are located between the two lungs), and the area of the membrane is clear, both to play an important role in surgical candidacy.

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Asbestos Cancer

The mesothelium is a membrane in five caves of the human body: the pericardium (around the pericardium), pleura (surrounding the lungs), peritoneal dialysis (around the abdominal cavity), scrotal (scrotum), and the cavities in women bodies sexual affairs. In practice, the thin layer of epithelial cells surrounding the mesodermal cavity above.

Mesoderm-derived mesothelial membrane covering the body cavity of the embryo, the mostdeveloping in a layer of cells surrounds and protects most internal organs. Mesothelium may be of two types: visceral mesothelium closely surrounds the organ and parietal mesothelium is the "sack" lining the cavity.

Proteins and serous fluid that is released between the two layers of the mesothelium, a lubricating fluid to provide a slippery protective layer that facilitate the movement of organs like the heart in throat, lungs and breathing intestinalPeristalsis. Lubrication allows organs to slide easily into the cavity.

Mesothelioma is a cancer, the abnormal growth and division of cells in the mesothelium cause. They can penetrate and damage to tissues and organs of the setting and tumor cells can also spread from their original location to other parts of the body. Mesothelioma usually starts in the abdominal cavity. Over 90% of cases of mesothelioma associated with exposure to asbestos. Smoking combined with asbestosExposure significantly increased the risk of developing mesothelioma.

In the 20th century, many people have to know the asbestos does not even know it was discontinued. Asbestos is a fibrous silicate mineral characterized by its chemical and thermal resistance, and current non-conducting. Asbestos has been used in industry and everyday life until 1980 when the European Union and other developed countries has been banned. In case of ingestion or inhalation of asbestos can produce toxic effects in humans remainwhich can lead to a number of serious diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma (cancer of the mesothelium), lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, colon cancer and other diseases.

Mesothelioma (also known as "asbestos cancer" is known) is a most common type of cancer linked to asbestos. The mesothelium is a membrane lining the cavities of certain points on the human body. Mesothelioma can develop lung, stomach, testicles and pericardial cavity, which called for four types of M. pleura,Peritoneal, pericardial and testicular cancer. In 70 percent of cases, pleural mesothelioma is under development.

Up to 3000 cases of malignant mesothelioma in the United States each year. Mesothelioma is often diagnosed in its later stages, because symptoms usually occur 20 to 50 years after the first exposure to asbestos. Another reason for the early detection of mesothelioma is that symptoms (ie, chest pain, constant cough, shortness of breath, fatigue or fever, etc.) are similarconditions less severe and widespread as the flu.

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What is pleural effusion?

If a person is exposed to asbestos over many years that the person can point to a variety of symptoms that are of a previous exposure. Some of the signs of asbestos exposure are more severe than others. The most serious consequence is pleural effusion.

The pleura or lining of the chest cavity, has two levels. The inner layer consists of desire, while the outer layer lines the rib cage and diaphragm. Between these two layers, the body produces a liquid.This fluid acts as the oil in a car engine. It allows the lungs expand and contract smoothly, which in turn allows a person to breathe in and out easily. Sometimes the body produces too much fluid. If this happens, fluid collection between the two layers of pleura. If accumulation occurs, it is called pleural effusion as.

Although not always harbingers of doom, because I am a frequent pneumonia, pleural effusion, aSymptom of a variety of cancers. This side effect has also developed the cancer cells have spread to the pleura. When cells migrate, they irritate the pleura and to establish a fluid retention. Types of cancer, the most common cause of pleural effusions are lung cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lymphoma and mesothelioma.

If the fluid accumulates in the pleura, pressing on the lung. This makes it less easy for a person to breathe because the lungs do not expand to its fulldue to the presence of liquid Capacity. In some situations, the lung, or at least part of it to collapse, it is. When the lung collapses, the person is destined to become increasingly breathless, not only during but also active at rest. to develop his chest pain and cough.

Pleural effusions are usually discovered through the use of one side of the chest x-ray of an individual we know that X-rayed or lying down on her. As long as a pleural effusion developed, a personusually already developed mesothelioma. This is not always the case, but it is often true. Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos. The tiny fibers remain trapped in the lungs, irritate to the point of scar tissue that forms. As the scar tissue is exposed to asbestos, it is not an exact replica of the former tissue. This will turn into cancer.

For more information on the signs of mesothelioma and asbestos exposure results, please visit

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Introduction to Mesothelioma Disease

In this article, I want to give you a brief introduction to mesothelioma disease. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that can be malignant or benign, the malignant type is very dangerous type and may be deadly in most cases. Scientists can classify the types of mesothelioma cancer according to the place of the tumors as following.

Pleural Type - In this type the tumors will be developed in Pleura. The Pleura is the most outer membrane surrounds the lungs and has protections functions. Pleural type is the most famous type and the most cases are diagnosed as Pleural mesothelioma.

Peritoneal Type - In this case the tumors will be developed in the Peritoneum. The Peritoneum is the outer membrane that surrounds the internal organs of the abdomen and has protection and movement functions. It is less common type but it is more dangerous that the Pleural type. Pericardial type - In this case the tumors will be developed in the Pericardium or is the outer sac that includes heart and its great arteries.

Returning to the introduction to mesothelioma disease, I want to talk about The treatment option. The main options is the surgery to remove the tumor and the tissues surround it. The surgery will be effective especially when they use the second option with it, I'm talking about the chemotherapy option which will be very good assistant treatment.

The third option is the radiotherapy, doctors will be having to use some radiations to kill the remaining cancer cells after the surgery. Doctors can use the all three option to make a strong treatment plan to destroy the cancer cells.

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Pleural Mesothelioma

pleural mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer, forage affects the delicate membrane in the chest. Sometimes some benign cases are also noted. Three thousand new cases of mesothelioma are reported each year in the United States. Typically, patients die within eighteen months after diagnosis.

unprotected exposure to asbestos is the only known cause of this disease. The general consensus seems to be that would have the most cases canbe avoided if the manufacturers knew the dangers of asbestos product, had warned their employees and have taken the necessary protective measures. Today the sector with loans of billions of dollars over the problem and some of the related enterprises collapsed.

Pleural Mesothelioma is usually found in the group of 60-70 years. This is in developing countries, in particular, because the murderess takes two four decades ago, and manifesto. Not only those who worked inasbestos factories or at least in constant contact with the material (such as loading and unloading workers), but their families as well as the risk borne by the disease because of asbestos dust home workers to their bodies and 'clothes are recommended. Sometimes heating systems are filled with asbestos, to increase efficiency. used until a few years, some ships to isolate this toxic material.

The patient goes through four pleural mesotheliomaDistinctive stages on the way to the inevitable end. Diagnosis is difficult for two reasons. First, the time for symptoms to appear. Secondly, symptoms such as shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing and weight loss are also in various other diseases.

Traditional treatments for mesothelioma is not very effective. If the problem is detected at an early stage might control the operation. In some cases, it may be a substitute for brachytherapySurgery. Pain management may be helped somewhat by radiation therapy. Chemotherapy does not appear to be effective. Much of the research is ongoing to find better administrative procedures for pleural mesothelioma. Some new methods of treatment are being tested.

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