What is pleural effusion?

If a person is exposed to asbestos over many years that the person can point to a variety of symptoms that are of a previous exposure. Some of the signs of asbestos exposure are more severe than others. The most serious consequence is pleural effusion.

The pleura or lining of the chest cavity, has two levels. The inner layer consists of desire, while the outer layer lines the rib cage and diaphragm. Between these two layers, the body produces a liquid.This fluid acts as the oil in a car engine. It allows the lungs expand and contract smoothly, which in turn allows a person to breathe in and out easily. Sometimes the body produces too much fluid. If this happens, fluid collection between the two layers of pleura. If accumulation occurs, it is called pleural effusion as.

Although not always harbingers of doom, because I am a frequent pneumonia, pleural effusion, aSymptom of a variety of cancers. This side effect has also developed the cancer cells have spread to the pleura. When cells migrate, they irritate the pleura and to establish a fluid retention. Types of cancer, the most common cause of pleural effusions are lung cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lymphoma and mesothelioma.

If the fluid accumulates in the pleura, pressing on the lung. This makes it less easy for a person to breathe because the lungs do not expand to its fulldue to the presence of liquid Capacity. In some situations, the lung, or at least part of it to collapse, it is. When the lung collapses, the person is destined to become increasingly breathless, not only during but also active at rest. to develop his chest pain and cough.

Pleural effusions are usually discovered through the use of one side of the chest x-ray of an individual we know that X-rayed or lying down on her. As long as a pleural effusion developed, a personusually already developed mesothelioma. This is not always the case, but it is often true. Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos. The tiny fibers remain trapped in the lungs, irritate to the point of scar tissue that forms. As the scar tissue is exposed to asbestos, it is not an exact replica of the former tissue. This will turn into cancer.

For more information on the signs of mesothelioma and asbestos exposure results, please visithttp://www.mesolawsuit.com.

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